What is Crimebeat?

National Crimebeat is the youth crime prevention charity of the High Sheriffs’ Association in England and Wales. The purpose of National Crimebeat is to provide High Sheriffs with a prestigious annual awards ceremony, worthy of the dignity of the ancient Royal office, to be held in London in the March of their year. These awards exist to give recognition to the most innovative and successful crime prevention projects carried out by young people.

Bedfordshire Crimebeat is a charity that supports young people to enable them to undertake projects which serve their community. Since its inception, the charity has enabled the High Sheriff of Bedfordshire to play an active role in the prevention and reduction of juvenile crime. Bedfordshire Crimebeat awards grants to groups of young people (anyone aged between 5 and 25) for projects which contain a significant element of community safety or citizenship work and allow young people to tackle the problems of their community themselves.

Since its inception, Crimebeat has consistently delivered projects that place young people at the heart of improving local quality of life. These youngsters have played an active role in finding positive alternatives to crime and disorder, raising social and environmental awareness, and reducing risks to health and safety, whilst all the time encouraging respect between different sections of the community.

There have been many projects to date which have included tackling underage drinking, drugs, vandalism, graffiti and more recently, text bullying and cyber-crime. 

Funding and How You Can Get Involved 

Funding of up to £500 is available for projects tackling issues of Community Safety, Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour reduction for children and young people, or projects for the wider community led by young people. For project funding over £500 and under £5,000, please contact Dipak Mistry on dipak.mistry@blcf.org.uk

Funding is also available towards transport costs for lower, middle & primary schools and the lower age range academies to visit Hazard Alley Safety Centre in Milton Keynes. Funding towards the cost of transport for visits to Hazard Alley is limited to one visit per school in any three year period.

For more information or to see news updates from National Crimebeat, please follow this link to their dedicated page http://www.national-crimebeat.com/