High Sheriff’s Awards 2022-2023

The High Sheriff of Bedfordshire’s Citizenship Awards recognise people and organisations who devote their time and energy to improving the communities in which they live and work within the county. Awards are given in recognition of exceptional services in each of the three authorities: Bedford, Luton and Central Bedfordshire. There are three categories of award: Adult, Young Person’s and Group. 

Youth Awards 2022-2023

North Beds

Central Beds
Runner Up: Paige Taylor  

South Beds & Luton

Adult Awards  2022-2023

North Beds 
Runner Up: George Fouhey 

Central Beds
Runner Up: Marjorie Horrell

South Beds & Luton
Runner Up: Dave Richardson NOAH 

Group Awards 2022-2023

North Beds
Runner Up: iLearn Bedford   

Central Beds

South Beds & Luton

High Sheriff Certificates – Adult Category
Ralley Rahman
Pauline Stepney
Lily Chan 
Ernie Bounds
Stan Bentley

High Sheriff Certificates 2022-2023

High Sheriff Certificates – Group Category
Sainsburys Harpenden
Luton Sikh Soup Kitchen
Ampthill Festival
Jordan Reynolds Boxing Academy
Ukie Toones
Changing Lives Forever
Sri Guru Ravidass Sangat Luton
Bosom Pals
Stotfold Twirlers

High Sheriff Certificates – Adult Category 
Ralley Rahman
Pauline Stepney
Lily Chan 
Ernie Bounds
Stan Bentley

High Sheriff Certificates – Police
Andrea Breitenbach
Mike Rosato
John Murphy
Rob Cross

High Sheriff Certificates – Fire
Watch Commander Rachel Pothecary
FSM Daisy Byron
FSI Andrew Crossley
FSI Robin Doughty

High Sheriff Certificates – EAAA
Dr Halden Hutchinson-Bazely 
Dr Nicola Ebbs

High Sheriff Certificates – HMP Bedford
Presentation has had to be rescheduled due to incident at the prison

High Sheriff Certificates – Coroner’s Office 
Sarah Millett
Karen Weir – Liaison & Diversion Service ELFT

Nomination Process

There are three categories for the High Sheriff’s Citizenship Award – Adult, Young Citizenship and the Group Award. These awards are spilt across the 3 administrative areas of the county: North Bedfordshire, Central Bedfordshire, and South Bedfordshire, including Luton.

The criteria for the three awards are:

Adult Award:

Somebody who gives of their time unstintingly, whether this be in an organising or caring capacity. Or to be a person that carries out help and assistance in any way, even thought this might be seen as a minor role to that person, but in fact their loyalty and care makes a great deal of difference to the wellbeing of others.

Young Person’s Award:

A young person being a member of their school, youth organisation or junior section of an adult society who has excelled or made an outstanding contribution, to the best of their ability to the well being of that school/club/organisation and whose willingness, determination and caring attitude in everything they do and achieve is an inspiration to others.

Group Award:

A group which has added value to the community on a small or large scale, but which has clearly made an impact in their chosen field. It might be a new group which has filled a gap for meeting needs or be long established.

Applications are now closed until 2024.

Karen Chase, Under Sheriff
